Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition Clears for Takeoff on Nintendo Switch!

Bandai Namco is ready to take Nintendo Switch gamers on a high-flying adventure as they announce the arrival of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition on July 11. This Deluxe Edition is set to soar, bringing with it all the heart-pounding action that made the original release a hit.

The Switch version promises to faithfully recreate the fast-paced aerial combat featured in the original game. Players can engage in the adrenaline-pumping 2-8 player multiplayer gameplay that made Ace Combat 7 a standout title. But that’s not all; the Nintendo Switch edition comes bundled with six DLC packs and bonuses, providing an extensive and immersive gaming experience.

For avid aviators on the Switch, the content offering is nothing short of impressive. Alongside the base game, players can dive into three original aircraft sets and three single-player missions, each offering a unique challenge. From the sleek ADF-11F Raven Set to the formidable ADFX-01 Morgan Set, Ace Combat 7 on the Switch promises a diverse and thrilling experience.

The package also includes bonus features like the Music Player Mode, allowing players to further immerse themselves in the game’s atmosphere. Plus, with playable aircraft like the F-104C – Avril and F-4E Phantom II, as well as aircraft skins and emblems from past entries, the Deluxe Edition delivers an aviation enthusiast’s dream.

Originally released in 2020, Ace Combat 7 received acclaim for its visually stunning arcade flight combat. Despite a rating of 7 in our original review, the game left players wanting more, and the upcoming Nintendo Switch release might just be the ticket for those yet to experience the thrill of the skies.

However, the Switch’s hardware limitations have been a concern for some, given its aging technology compared to other platforms. Bandai Namco addresses this with a reassuring side-by-side comparison trailer, showcasing the Switch version alongside its PS4 counterpart. While some environmental details may differ, the Switch version appears to hold its own, promising an enjoyable gaming experience.

For those who haven’t taken flight with Ace Combat 7, the game is currently available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam, boasting over 5 million units sold to date. As we eagerly await the Nintendo Switch release on July 11, Bandai Namco tantalizingly hints at future content with the promise of “additional DLC not included in the Deluxe Edition.”

Get ready to strap in, Nintendo Switch pilots – Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition is about to redefine your aerial combat experience!